
An Ecological Approach to Masculinity

On both a personal and collective level, the world is screaming for a reinterpretation of masculine narratives.
— Virginia Vigliar

Workshop Overview

In a world where the narrative of masculinity is often fragmented, misunderstood, or stagnant, the Ecological Approach to Masculinities online workshop offers a transformative space for individuals to engage in deep dialogue, introspection, and creative exploration through ecological and mythopoetic lens.

The workshop is born from the need for an approach to masculinity that holds nuances, respects personal stories, and is aware of collective narratives. In patriarchy, stories about masculinity are stagnant, they speak of conquest, violence, and a constant pressure to perform, I believe that this lack of malleability in storytelling is something very important to tend to. I fiercely believe in the power of weaving new narratives for radical change, and this is what we will do together.

This online workshop has seeds in an essay I wrote for my newsletter WAVES almost a year ago, which evolved into a one-day workshop in partnership with Between Us, where 12 people discussed the complex topic of masculinity through compassionate dialogue. It was an incredible session that made me realise the need for more of these spaces and conversations. So, this longer 4-session workshop came about with the intention of digging deeper in an intimate and safe environment.

Because I have observed a huge need for this topic to be discussed and tackled, you can also book a 2-3 hour session or design the workshop according to your needs (for groups of minimum 8 people). See offerings below.


“Virginia is an amazing facilitator and space holder. She gently navigated us through the topic of masculinities in her workshop, allowing all of us to show up vulnerably with all our emotions we have around the topic. The discussion stirred so many thoughts in me and really changed how I approach the topic. Thank you!”

Miriam, Workshop Participant

“This workshop was as if, suddenly, the elephant in the room got all the attention: he got scared and tripped over my masculinity Pandora's box. Now, everything is everywhere. It helped open my eyes.”

Stephan, Workshop Particpant

More testimonials below

Workshop Intentions

  • Reroot

    The topic of masculinity spills onto many others: power, emotions, vulnerability, and systemic violence. It should be in the interest of everyone to unpack and understand how we look at masculinity and explore a more ecological approach to the topic. Right now an older, traditional, patriarchal model is meeting with a newer, relational ecological model that seeks to rewild the way we approach it. In this transition, we must centre care and foster dialogue whilst holding multitudes”, this is the intention of the workshop, to infuse personal perceptions with collective one.

  • Replant

    This workshop aims to nurture participants with new narratives as seeds which they can then grow and sporulate in whichever way they feel called to do.

  • Rewild

    In four sessions, participants will embark on a journey to unpack and reframe their own, and collective, perceptions of masculinity, drawing inspiration from the thought-provoking works by authors such as bell hooks, Terry Real, Esther Perel, Sophie Strand, Bayo Akomolafe and others. This workshop aims to foster a more nuanced and empowered understanding of masculinity while encouraging participants to reroot and rewild their own narratives around masculinity.

Despite the many reasons to mistrust the patriarchal man, we must know that this is not the only one there is. It is just the one that has survived best.
— Virginia Vigliar from An Ecological Approach to Masculinity

Overview by session

  • 1. Exploring personal stories

    Through Compassionate dialogue we will try to unpack and make sense of the stories around masculinity that have shaped our lives.

  • 2. Inheritance

    There are many types of masculinity we can inherit, from the Masculinity of Silence, to that of Violence. In this session we will unpack the stories we have inherited through creative exercise, dialogue, and movement.

  • 3. Exploring Authentic Expression

    Drawing from the work of luminaries like bell hooks, Terry Real, Sophie Strand, Esther Perel & more, we will expand ourselves to new understandings of masculinity.

  • Crafting New Narratives

    Participants will take a myth or story about masculinity that they have inherited and through writing, movement, and dialogue, will rewild and reroot it.


  • An open, honest and vulnerable experience that planted seeds I am continuing to nurture. I felt safe to express feelings I had no idea lay inside my own experiences. This workshop began a process of transforming how I communicate with the men in my life, and also how much I value and am aware of the silent labour of women. Virginia created a context in which a group of strangers were able to share, disagree, discuss and learn together without fear of personal judgment.

    Alex, Workshop Participant

  • “What men lack is places to imagine new worlds, this workshop is one of those places”

    Jannis, Workshop Participant

  • The ecological masculinity workshop offered me a wide view while I am only just beginning to tend to this wound (or realizing that it's significant), contextualizing masculinity in this way is deeply significant for me as it sparks wonder and curiosity. This is a beautiful antidote to the “grim duty” and heaviness I can often feel about it. Virginia is a wonderful facilitator and I am taken by the gratitude that I, and many others, are feeling to have participated.

    Janosh, Workshop Participant


  • Virginia was professional, personable and inspiring. Doing this workshop has planted a seed that will help me grow as an individual and dispel any rigid preconceived notions I was carrying. An amazing workshop.

    Ozman Janneh, Workshop Participant

  • It was a really nice way to deconstruct and reconstruct my ideas on masculinity, within and outside of myself, through reflective thought and the observation of the thought of others

    Flavio, Workshop Participant


Join us for a two-hour workshop dedicated to unravelling and rewilding the complexities of masculinity narratives through dialogue. This is a transforming workshop where you will learn the basics of an ecological approach to masculinity and how to begin applying it into your life.


60E pp
100E if you come with a buddy

Full Workshop

Join us for a four-session workshop dedicated to unravelling and rewilding the complexities of masculinity narratives. Through ecological, political, historical, sociocultural and mythopoetic lens, we’ll blend the personal with the collective, the interpersonal with the intra-personal. We’ll unearth fresh narratives for masculinity, engage in enriching dialogues, explore the work of remarkable artists and writers, and employ creative exercises to transform our personal stories for the future.

200E pp
300E if you come with a buddy

Group Plans
(ask anytime)

Are you a group interested in delving deeper into new approaches to masculinity? Then this is for you. Whether you are a group of friends or a company, I can offer 2-3 hour workshops for you, or offer to design the workshop according to your needs.

Prices vary according to your plan

Paying subscribers of WAVES (since min 3 months) get 20% off all workshops

If you are in a vulnerable economic situation but feel that this is important in your life right now, please email me at and I will try to accommodate your needs.